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2021-03-16 09:01  

一、 导师简介



1. 大菱鲆Grim19基因在细胞凋亡及病原感染防御中的作用研究(2011-2013),国家自然科学基金青年基金项目;

2. 海洋动物配子和胚胎冷冻保存及种质库信息化管理技术研究(2012-2015),863计划子课题;

3. 基于转录组和microRNA 信息的牙鲆白化发生机制研究(2015-2018),国家自然科学基金面上项目;

4. 性类固醇激素调控半滑舌鳎性别大小异形的分子机制研究(2019-2022),国家自然科学基金面上项目;





1. Wang N*, Wang R, Wang R, Chen S*. RNA-seq and microRNA-seq analysis of Japanese flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus) larvae treated by thyroid hormones. Fish Physiol Biochem. 2019;45(4):1233-1244.

2. Wang N*, Wang RK, Wang RQ, Chen SL*. Transcriptomics analysis revealing candidate networks and genes for the body size sexual dimorphism of Chinese tongue sole (Cynoglossus semilaevis). Funct Integr Genomics. 2018;18(3): 327-339.

3. Wang R, Zhang N, Wang R, Wang S, Wang N*. Two skin cell lines from wild-type and albino Japanese flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus): establishment, characterization, virus susceptibility, efficient transfection, and application to albinism study. Fish Physiol Biochem. 2017; 43(6):1477-1486.

4. Wang N*, Wang R, Hu Q, Xu W, Zhu Y, Yan F, Chen S*. Characterization of a low-density lipoprotein receptor, Lrp13, in Chinese tongue sole (Cynoglossus semilaevis) and medaka (Oryzias latipes). Fish Physiol Biochem. 2017; 43(5):1289-1298

5. Wang N*, Wang R, Wang R, Tian Y, Shao C, Jia X, Chen S*. The integrated analysis of RNA-seq and microRNA-seq depicts miRNA-mRNA networks involved in Japanese flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus) albinism. PLoS One. 2017; 12(8):e0181761.

6. Zhang WT, Liu K, Xiang JS, Zhang LY, Liu WJ, Dong ZD, Li YZ, Li HL, Chen SL, Wang N*. Molecular cloning, expression of, and regulation by thyroid-hormone receptor α A in the half-smooth tongue sole Cynoglossus semilaevis during metamorphosis. J Fish Biol. 2016; 88(5):1693-707.

7. Wang N, Wang X, Yang C, Zhao X, Zhang Y, Wang T, Chen S. Molecular cloning and multifunctional characterization of GRIM-19 (gene associated with retinoid-interferon-induced mortality 19) homologue from turbot (Scophthalmus maximus). Dev Comp Immunol. 2014; 43(1): 96-105.

8. Wang N, Wang XL, Yang CG, Chen SL*. Molecular cloning, subcelluar location and expression profile of signal transducer and activator of transcription 2 (STAT2) from turbot, Scophthalmus maximus. Fish Shellfish Immunol. 2013; 35(4): 1200-1208.

9. Wang N, Yang CG, Sun ZZ, Wang XL, Chen SL*. Signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 (STAT3) homologue in turbot (Scophthalmus maximus): Molecular characterization and expression analysis. Fish Shellfish Immunol. 2011; 30(1): 255-262.

10. Wang N, Wang XL, Sha ZX, Tian YS, Chen SL*. Establishment, characterization and virus susceptibility of a kidney-derived cell line from southern flounder Paralichthys lethostigma Jordan & Gilbert. J Fish Dis. 2011; 34 (1): 81-85.

11. Wang N, Wang XL, Sha ZX, Tian YS, Chen SL*. Development and characterization of a new marine fish cell line from turbot (Scophthalmus maximus). Fish Physiol Biochem. 2010;36(4):1227-34.

12. Wang N, Sun YH, Liu J, Wu G, Su JG, Wang YP, Zhu ZY. Knock down of gfp and no tail expression in zebrafish embryo by in vivo-transcribed short hairpin RNA with T7 plasmid system. J Biomed Sci. 2007;14(6):767-76.

13. Wang N, Sun YH, Liu J, Wang YP, Zhu ZY. Molecular characterization of common carp (Cyprinus carpio) Sonic Hedgehog and discovery of its maternal expression. Dev Genes Evol. 2007; 217(4):299-305.


1. 王娜,陈松林,沙珍霞,王贤丽。大菱鲆肾细胞系的构建方法。专利号:ZL200910016926.9

2. 王娜,胡乔木,王天姿,陈松林。一种半滑舌鳎雌性特异CSW3蛋白及其基因与应用。专利号:ZL201410012879.1

3. 王娜,王蔚芳,黄滨,史宝,王若青,马佳璐,陈松林。一种向半滑舌鳎垂体细胞添加维生素E后提高促性腺激素表达水平的方法。专利号:ZL201610237755.2


电话:15854263035 邮箱:wangna@ysfri.ac.cn



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