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2024-01-09 11:08  


朱龙,男,19923月生,博士,校聘副教授,硕士研究生导师。202112月毕业于西北农林科技大学,获理学博士学位。2022年至今,于中科院海洋所和江苏省海洋资源开发研究院从事博士后研究。近年来一直从事水域生态环境监测和环境毒理学的研究工作,以第一作者或通讯作者在AquacultureScience of the Total EnvironmentAquatic ToxicologyJournal of Applied Ichthyology、《生态毒理学报》等刊物发表论文10余篇。目前主持江苏省自然科学基金青年项目、国家重点研发计划子任务和连云港市博士后科研项目等省市级项目多项。2022年入选江苏省科技副总





1. “双酚A通过精子miRNAs干扰稀有鮈鲫子代颅面软骨发育的机制研究,江苏省自然基金青年基金项目,项目编号:SBK202306902023-2026

2. “贝藻苗种扩繁和增养殖的碳汇评估技术,国家重点研发计划子任务,2024-2028

3. “HIF-2α介导的双酚A影响稀有鮈鲫精巢血睾屏障的机制研究,江苏省高等学校基础科学研究面上项目,项目编号:23KJB1800052023-2025

4. “双酚A对稀有鮈鲫精巢血睾屏障影响的分子机制研究,连云港市博士后科研资助项目,2023-2025

5. “双酚A对鱼类精子发生影响机制研究,新葡的京集团3512vip人才引进科研基金,2022-2024

6. “鲈鱼抗菌微生物筛选及益生菌剂开发,企业委托项目,2022-2023

7. “鱼类常见麻醉剂的快速检测技术的构建,企业委托项目,2022-2023

8. “瓦氏雅罗鱼幼鱼耐盐碱驯化的方案制定及效果评价,企业委托项目,2023-2024





[1] Long Zhu, Sijie Wang, Siying Cao, Shun Liu, Mohamed Seif, Lejiang Wang, Xinghong Xu*. Biochemical and cytological evaluation of the coelomic fluid of Urechis unicinctus: Its responses under pathogenic exposure and potential phagocytic activities. Aquaculture, 2023, 577, 739985.

[2] Chengke Zhu, Chengnian Yang, Fang Li, Guangjun Lv, Chaoying Ren, Pengfei Chu, Long Zhu*. Isolation, identification of an Aeromonas veronii strain, and the immune response of hybrid sturgeon (Acipenser baerii ♀ × Acipenser schrenckii ♂) to the bacteria. Aquaculture, 2023, 577, 739966.

[3] Long Zhu, Yongjing Guan, Xuening Li, Xiaofan Xiong, Jialin Liu, Zaizhao Wang*. BPA disrupts the SC barrier integrity by activating the cytokines/JNK signaling pathway in rare minnow Gobiocypris rarus. Aquatic Toxicology, 2022, 245, 106124.

[4] Long Zhu, Mingrong Wang, Shuo Fu, Xiaofan Xiong, Kaiqi Li, Jialin Liu, Zaizhao Wang*. BPA disrupted the testis testosterone levels by interfering ER enrichments within StAR 5′flanking region in rare minnow Gobiocypris rarus. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C: Toxicology & Pharmacology, 2022, 257:109338.

[5] Long Zhu, Lihong Wang, Xiaofan Xiong, Chenglong Dong, Zaizhao Wang*. Chronic exposure of Bisphenol A resulted in alterations of reproductive functions via immune defense, oxidative damage and disruption DNA/histone methylation in male rare minnow Gobiocypris rarus. Aquatic Toxicology. 2021, 236, 105849.

[6] Long Zhu, Xue Xue, Guo Zhang, Zaizhao Wang*. Length-weight relationships of fish species from the Stung Russei Chrum basin, Kingdom of Cambodia. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 2021, 37, 354-355.

[7] Long Zhu, Yan Liu, Xue Xue, Cong Yuan, Zaizhao Wang*. BPA's transgenerational disturbance to transcription of ovarian steroidogenic genes in rare minnow Gobiocypris rarus via DNA and histone methylation. Science of the Total Environment, 2020, 762: 143055.

[8] Long Zhu, Mingrong Wang, Yan Liu, Seif Mohamed, Zaizhao Wang*. Bisphenol A-associated alterations in DNA and histone methylation affects semen quality in rare minnow Gobiocypris rarus. Aquatic Toxicology, 2020, 226: 105580.

[9] 朱龙, 周尚颉, 黄雨铜,陈鑫翎, 王孝天, 许星鸿*. 双酚A致文蛤鳃组织氧化损伤的毒性效应研究. 生态毒理学报. 2024, 19 (1).

[10] 朱龙, 袁聪, 朱成科, 程洁, 郑曙明, 吴青*. 二倍体和三倍体虹鳟肌肉营养成分比较及分析. 营养学报. 2018, 4 (002): 206-208.

[11] 周朝伟#*, 朱龙#, 曾本和, 任胜杰, 李明朔, , . 饲料蛋白水平对台湾泥鳅幼鱼生长、饲料利用率及免疫酶活性的影响. 渔业科学进展, 2018, 39(3):8.

[12] 朱龙, 程洁, 王竹青, 王强, 吴燕秋, 周燕, 朱成科*. 胆汁酸对加州鲈生长性能、形体指数及肌肉营养成分的影响. 中国饲料, 2017(1): 28-32.

[13] 朱龙, 任胜杰, 苏华东, 李玲雅, 李永菊. 泥鳅黏孢子虫病防治一例. 科学养鱼, 2015(10): 64-65.





E-Mail: zhulong2021@jou.edu.cn




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